PigExpert Track & Trace offers:
- Animals registered within PigExpert, preferable at birth
- All data entry can be done in server, desktop and mobile environements. The main system is located in the cloud
- Data recording of individually identified pigs can be done both via single animal data entry as via group data entry in wich RFID's are attached to the group event
- Available recordings include movements and location, treatments, animal scoring, measurement like weight, back fat etc.
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- High quality recording and reporting system for individually identified pigs, based on the newest available technologies with rubustness needed in agricultural production environement
- You can easily detect strong and weak spots in your farm and respond accordingly to improve as fast as possible
- Validate and trace the effects of production management changes and resources in your own farm environement and thus make well-informed decisions
This is what farmers say:
"Since I chip and track my pigs individually, I go into the barn with even more pleasure!"
Henri de Vries has a 300 sow farrow-to-finish herd on multiple sites. In 2013 he started to use RFID-eartags; individual electronic eartags for newly born piglets, integrated in the legally required plastic identification tags. This way all animals born in the farm have an electronic ID and can be followed throughout the whole production chain by simply scanning the number with a reader.
’On our sow farm we work in a 3-week system and we tag the piglets at the day of birth. Although this has to be done very accurately, it hardly takes extra work. Everything goes electronically and we do not need to write anything on paper.‘ ’Since we have started following individual pigs, we’ve noticed a few things. We already knew before that the piglets with the lowest birth weight were the slowest growers and we discovered that leaving them with their littermates increased growth rate significantly.‘
’We also discovered that offspring of first parity sows, when given the same feed strategy, have a 35 grams lower live daily gain. After changing the feeding strategy for this group, we improved by 20 grams per day. This resulted in 3.6 kg higher market weight. A big improvement on approximately 20% of the animals.‘